Thursday, 29 May 2008

I'm back!

After (2 days short of) a year absence, I'm back! And hopefully I can think of things to blog about for the next while...

When I pondered my return there was a choice to make: Blog about feeds I read (that many bloggers do just to keep their ratings up) or put a shared items thing on the side... I went with shared items thing because I don't want to waste your time. If you see something interesting on there, go ahead and read it. I won't force you to. Granted there's only 1 item shared at the moment, but it's not like I've had anyone to share it with...

I've also updated my links on the side to feature some sites I find worthy of a visit. Allow me to elaborate:
  • STG Studios: Blog by my good friend and ace freelance photographer.
  • Way of the Rede: A forum for South African Pagans, but anyone if welcome. We're a nutty bunch, really...
  • Me on Facebook: I think that pretty much sums it up.
There are also a few websites and blogs that hold merit with me, but I don't fancy overloading the page so they've been omitted. Don't worry, they'll quickly show up on the shared items...

I'm also going to start stuffing my posts full of links to interesting information. If I type something that might be unknown to my reader, I'll link to it.

There's also a widget if you want to chat with me. I'm not online very often, but when I am, feel free to interrupt. I also welcome any emails or comments. If I say something you don't fully agree with, feel free to let me know.

My Life:
Latest news on the personal front is that starting monday (June 2) I'm working at Web Africa, one of South Africa's premium internet service and hosting providers. It'll be my first job where I'm considered relatively senior (medical plan, provident fund, lunch included), which is a big step for a small-time developer like me.

Why and how did I come to this point in my life? Well for the last 6 months I've been part of a 2-man startup company with a big idea and big plans... Unfortunately the bigger the plans and smaller the funding, the bigger the risk, so for the last 2 or 3 months I've had zero income. My landlady and car financing company have been happier... With the petrol price going the way it's been going the last few months, it's not exactly the perfect time to start commuting to work again (about 40km round trip). But I don't really have a choice. Maybe once I start I can find someone who lives nearby and start a round-robin lift club or something to that effect... Trains are out of the question (my black belt kickboxing sensei got mugged in the train into town) and there isn't really other public transport that would get me there in time and/or at a reasonable price. Maybe a scooter isn't such a bad idea...

Watching Matchstick Men.

"They misunderestimated me."
-George W. Bush

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